A rare misty Summer Solstice with a Full Moon
A short walk uphill to catch the first Sun rays on the Summer Solstice morning. The lone crooked tree on the top covered in a moving fog. It is a rare occurrence that a Full Moon accompanies the Midsummer Sun. Every 20 years or so. The morning was so misty, the sun was nowhere to be seen, we took interest in the agricultural flora . For years there had been no weeds to be seen on the edges of the fields due to heavy pesticide application. Since a few years time, the wild plants started to reappear slowly; they are worth our appreciation. We have just lost all hope to see the sun altogether when a glimpse of the yellow ball emerged from the thick and heavy clouds. Going back, we snapped photos of the most important plants that we veneered in the past times - the fern , that supposed to bloom during the Midsummer night, and the St. John's Wort , a very popular herb, that used to be gathered on the Summer Solstice mornings in a belive of greater medicinal...