Back in Time - Automobile Classic, Vintage Car and Steam Engines
A very warm Saturday afternoon in early October 2019 unexpectedly provided a tour back in time. There was an automobile classic rally with vintage cars and traction steam engines in the Tinkers Park near Hadlow Down village in Eaast Sussex. A selection of old automobiles, starting with the old buses near the entrance, greeting visitors. The rally at Tinkers Park dates back to the 1960s and it is one of the oldest such events organized in the affluent South, quite a tradition there. Beautifully restored models from 1940-1950s, treasures in a garage. We have thought of hiding our first family car under a pack of straw in our barn for the next generation to discover but the models from 1990s lack features that could be appreciated, we decided. We may regret it in the future - the 'old' always appeals, this is what vintage is all about. The venue is owned by Jessett family whose collection of steam traction engines, steam rollers & fair organs stretches back to...