Corporate Press - Who Writes Stuff?
Visiting a local WHS Smith , I often ponder, stopping at the magazines' shelves and scanning through the titles - who buys them ? They all look similar and are basically about the same topic: 20 magazines about knitting or angling, 50 about gardening and history, etc. Never see anybody buying any of them. Still, musing about who and for what profit is publishing them? I have to recall - the magazine shelves looked very different in the 1990s and 2000s. There was a wide variety of titles to browse to everybody's taste and interests. These had been years before the world wide web expansion. Anglers had three solid titles, so was with the gardening and knitting, the rest was much more diverse. How come the things became so homogenous now? Now it just looks like we live in a constrained society of mindful knitters with gardens and gym-fit anglers keen on history , and that's it. Every one of the six topics has 20+ magazines. How those numerous titles survive? And ...