Polish Your English - Part 1
Szlifuj swoj angielski :)
to polish (tu po'lisz) - polerować, wygładzać, szlifować
Polish (po:łlisz) - polski, Polak, Polka
If you are Polish, or any other non-English born person,
Jeżeli jesteś Polakiem, (Polką), lub każdą inna nie-angielską urodzona osobą,
you probably have a hard time learning to speak.
prawdopodobnie masz ciężki czas (trudności) uczenia się mówić.
The practise of using verbs is the best way to speak fluently in a short time.
Praktyka używania czasowników jest najlepszą drogą do mówienia płynnie w krótkim czasie.
Read aloud, once a day, for several days.
Czytaj na głos, raz na dzień, przez kilka dni.
Your speech and memory will increase automatically if you read the below in a funny manner.
Twoja wymowa i pamięć wzrośnie automatycznie jeżeli będziesz czytać co poniżej w śmieszny sposób.
You will be surprised how great and confident your spoken English becomes.
Będziesz zaskoczony (zdumiony) jak świetny i pewny (siebie) twój mówiony angielski się staje.
It is an efficient and almost effortless way to learn to speak.
To jest efektywny (wydajny, skuteczny) i prawie bezwysiłkowy sposób (droga) (aby) nauczyć się mówić.
TO HAVE - Present Continuous
I am having (I'm having) - Am I having? - I am not having (I'm not having)
TO HAVE - Past Continuous
I was having - Was I having? - I was not having (I wasn’t getting)
TO HAVE - Present Perfect
I have had (I've had) - Have I had? - I have not had (I haven't had)
TO GET - Present Simple
I get - Do I get? - I do not get (I don’t get)
You get - Do you get? - You do get (You don’t get)
He gets - Does he get? - He does not get (He doesn’t get)
She gets - Does she get? - She does not get (She doesn’t get)
It gets - Does it get? - It does not get (It doesn’t get)
We get - Do we get? - We do not get (We don’t get)
They get - Do they get? - They do not get (They don’t get)
TO GET - Past Simple
I got - Did I get? - I did not get (I didn’t get)
You got - Did you get? - You did not get (You didn’t get)
He got - Did he get? - He did not get (He didn’t get)
She got - Did she get? - She did not get (She didn’t get)
It got - Did it get? - It did not get (It didn’t get)
We got - Did we get? - We did not get (We didn’t get)
They got - Did they get? - They did not get (They didn’t get)
TO GET - Future Simple
I will get (I’ll get) - Will I get? - I will not get (I won’t get)
You will get (You’ll get) - Will you get? - You will not get (You won’t get)
He will get (He’ll get) - Will he get? - He will not get (He won’t get)
She will get (She’ll get) - Will she get? - She will not get (She won’t get)
It will get (It’ll get) - Will it get? - It will not get (It won’t get)
We will get (We’ll get) - Will we get? - We will not get (We won’t get)
They will get (They’ll get) - Will they get? - They will not get (They won’t get)
TO GET - Present Continuous
I am getting (I'm getting) - Am I getting? - I am not getting (I'm not getting)
You are getting (You're getting) - Are you getting? - You are not getting (You aren’t getting)
He is getting (He's getting) - Is he getting? - He is not getting (He isn’t getting)
She is getting (She's getting) - Is she getting? - She is not getting (She isn’t getting)
It is getting (It's getting) - Is it getting? - It is not getting (It isn’t getting)
We are getting (We’re getting) - Are we getting? - We are not getting (We aren’t getting)
They are getting (They're getting) - Are they getting? - They are not getting (They aren’t getting)
TO GET - Past Continuous
I was getting - Was I getting? - I was not getting (I wasn’t getting)
You were getting - Were you getting? - You were not getting (You weren’t getting)
He was getting - Was he getting? - He was not getting (He wasn’t getting)
She was getting - Was she getting? - She was not getting (She wasn’t getting)
It was getting - Was it getting? - It was not getting (It wasn’t getting)
We were getting - Were we getting? - We were not getting (We weren’t getting)
They were getting - Were they getting? - They were not getting (They weren’t getting)
TO GET - Future Continuous
I will be getting (I'll be getting) - Will I be getting? - I will not be getting (I won’t be getting)
You will be getting (You'll be getting) - Will you be getting? - You will not be getting (You won’t be getting)
He will be getting (He'll be getting) - Will he be getting? - He will not be getting (He won’t be getting)
She will be getting (She'll be getting) - Will she be getting? - She will not be getting (She won’t be getting)
It will be getting (It'll be getting) - Will it be getting? - It will not be getting (It won’t be getting)
We will be getting (We'll be getting) - Will we be getting? - We will not be getting (We won’t be getting)
They will be getting (They'll be getting) - Will they be getting? - They will not be getting (They won’t be getting)
TO GET - Present Perfect
I have got (I've got) - Have I got? - I have not got (I haven't got)
You have got (You've got) - Have you got? - You have not got (You haven't got)
He has got (He's got) - Has he got? - He has not got (He hasn't got)
She has got (She's got) - Has she got? - She has not got (She hasn't got)
It has got (It's got) - Has it got? - It has not got (It hasn't got)
We have got (We've got) - Have we got? - We have not got (We haven't got)
They have got (They've got) - Have they got? -They have not got (They haven't got)
This is the most important lesson of English you can get.
You will have a solid base in your memory, your brain,
Będziesz miał(a) solidną bazę w swojej pamięci, twoim mózgu,
and you will train the use of specific muscles that are responsible for speech.
i bedziesz trenował(a) uzycie specyficznych mięśni, które są odpowiedzialne za mowę.
Repeat what you hear, aloud, and have fun with it.
Powtarzaj to co słyszysz, na głos i miej zabawę z tym.
Enjoy polishing your spoken English!
Ciesz się (czerp przyjemność, dobrze się baw, niech ci się podoba) polerowanie (wygładzanie, szlifowanie) twojego mówionego angielskiego!
(How to pronounce - see the end of the post.
Jak wymawiać, patrz na koniec posta.)
to be / was,were / been
'To be or not to be' is the most famous quote from English literature.
'Byc albo nie być' jest najsłynniejszym cytatem z angielskiej literatury.
'To be' is the most common verb to use, to learn, to master.
'Być' jest najpowszechniejszym czasownikiem w użyciu, do nauczenia się, do opanowania.
We are quite helpless and stressed without mastering it fully.
Jesteśmy dość bezradni i zestresowani bez opanowania go w pełni.
The trouble is - it is quite different to other verbs, and their past, present and future forms -
Problemem jest (problem w tym), że jest całkiem (zupełnie, dość) różny do innych czasowników i ich przeszłych, teraźniejszych i przyszłych form,
as well as - or even more important - statements, questions and negations.
a także - a nawet bardziej istotne (ważne) - twierdzeń, putań i zaprzeczeń.
Let's have a look:
Spójrzmy (dosł. Niech mamy spojrzenie, lub miejmy spojrzenie):
TO BE - Present Simple
I am (I’m) - Am I? - I am not (I’m not)
I am (I’m) - Am I? - I am not (I’m not)
You are (You’re) - Are you? - You are not (You aren’t)
He is (He’s) - Is he? - He is not (He isn’t)
She is (She’s) - Is she? - She is not (She isn’t)
It is (It’s) - Is it? - It is not (It isn’t)
We are (We’re) - Are we? - We are not (We aren’t)
They are (They’re) - Are they? - They are not (They aren’t)
All other verbs have the same word for each person,
Wszystkie inne czasowniki mają to samo słowo (wyraz) dla każdej osoby,
apart from he, she, it, where we add -s at the end of the word.
oprócz on, ona, ono/to, gdzie dodajemy -s na końcu słowa (wyrazu)
Example: I make, you make, he makes, she makes, it makes, we make, they make.
Przykład: ja robię, ty robisz, on robi, ona robi, to robi, my robimy, oni robią.
This is why engligh language is so easy to learn, yet difficult to speak if we miss a few important points.
Oto dlaczego angielski język jest tak łatwy do nauki, ale trudny do mówienia jeśli pominiemy kilka istotnych (ważnych) punktów.
The Past Simple Tense is also distinct, compared to others.
Czas przeszły prosty jest także odrębny (różny, odmienny), w porównaniu z innymi.
You need to memorize it well, otherwise you will be lost in simple conversations.
Potrzebujesz zapamiętać to dobrze, inaczej będziesz zagubiony (przegrany) w prostych konwersacjach.
TO BE - Past Simple
I was - Was I? - I was not (I wasn’t)
You were - Were you? - You were not (You weren’t)
He was - Was he? - He was not (He wasn’t)
She was - Was she? - She was not (She wasn’t)
It was - Was it? - It was not (It wasn’t)
We were - Were we? - We were not (We weren’t)
They were - Were they? - They were not (They weren’t )
I was - Was I? - I was not (I wasn’t)
You were - Were you? - You were not (You weren’t)
He was - Was he? - He was not (He wasn’t)
She was - Was she? - She was not (She wasn’t)
It was - Was it? - It was not (It wasn’t)
We were - Were we? - We were not (We weren’t)
They were - Were they? - They were not (They weren’t )
Especially in asking questions the difference is huge, both, regarding the present and past.
Szczegolnie w zadawaniu pytań różnica jest ogromna, zarówno, odnośnie do teraźniejszości i przeszłości.
Almost all other verbs use the word 'do' or 'did' when asking questions or in negations.
Prawie wszystkie inne czasowniki uzywaja słowa 'do' albo 'did' kiedy zadają pytania albo w przeczeniach (negacjach).
Example: Do you see? I do not see. Did you see? I did not see.
Przykład: Widzisz? Nie widzę. Widziałes(as)? Nie widziałem(am).
If we want to ask somebody if he or she were shopnnig yesterday, we say:
Jeśli chcemy zapytac kogoś czy on lub ona był, była na zakupach wczoraj, powiemy:
Were you shopping yesterday?
Byłes(aś) na zakupach wczoraj?
Past Simple always relates to a specifi date in the past.
Przeszły prosty zawsze odnosi sie do specyficznej daty w przeszłości.
We use it when we have a particular day, date o span of time in mind.
Używamy go gdy mamy konkretny dzień, datę lub przedział czasu na myśli (dosł. w umyśle).
For example: Was he at the cinema on Saturday? I think he was there, I think I saw him.
Na przykład: Był w kinie w sobotę? Myślę, że był tam, myślę, że go widziałem(am).
No, he wasn't.
Nie, nie było go.
Yes, he was.
Tak, był.
Gdzie byłeś(aś)(byliście) rano?
Where were you in the morning?
But if we want to ask about somebody's whereabouts up until now, we rather say:
Ale jeżeli chcemy zapytać o czyimś podziewaniu się (lokalizacji) (o to gdzie się podziewał) aż do teraz, raczej powiemy:
Where have you been?
Gdzie byłeś, gdzie się podziewałeś (do tej pory)?
using Present Perfect.
używając czasu teraźniejszego dokonanego.
Fortunately, Future Simple is the easiest to memorize.
Na szczęście, czas przyszły prosty jest najłatwiejszy do zapamiętania.
TO BE - Future Simple
I will be (I’ll be) - Will I be? - I will not be (I won’t be)
You will be (You’ll be) - Will you be? - You will not be (You won’t be)
He will be (He’ll be) - Will he be? - He will not be (He won’t be)
She will be (She’ll be) - Will she be? - She will not be (She won’t be)
It will be (It’ll be) - Will it be? - It will not be (It won’t be)
We will be (We’ll be) - Will we be? - We will not be (We won’t be)
They will be (They’ll be) - Will they be? - They will not be (They won’t be)
I will be (I’ll be) - Will I be? - I will not be (I won’t be)
You will be (You’ll be) - Will you be? - You will not be (You won’t be)
He will be (He’ll be) - Will he be? - He will not be (He won’t be)
She will be (She’ll be) - Will she be? - She will not be (She won’t be)
It will be (It’ll be) - Will it be? - It will not be (It won’t be)
We will be (We’ll be) - Will we be? - We will not be (We won’t be)
They will be (They’ll be) - Will they be? - They will not be (They won’t be)
It is also worth remembering Present Perfect as it is very common in spoken English.
Jest także warto zapamiętać czas teraźniejszy dokonany, jako że jest bardzo powiszechny w mówionym angielskim.
TO BE - Present Perfect
I have been (I've been) - Have I been? - I have not been (I haven't been)
I have been (I've been) - Have I been? - I have not been (I haven't been)
You have been (You've been) - Have you been? - You have not been (You haven't been)
He has been (He's been) - Has he been? - He has not been (He hasn't been)
She has been (She's been) - Has she been? - She has not been (She hasn't been)
He has been (He's been) - Has he been? - He has not been (He hasn't been)
She has been (She's been) - Has she been? - She has not been (She hasn't been)
It has been (It's been) - Has it been? - It has not been (It hasn't been)
We have been (We've been) - Have we been? - We have not been (We haven't been)
They have been (They've been) - Have they been? - They have not been (They haven't been)
It relates to any span of time, up unitl now.
Odnosi sie do jakiegokolwiek przedziału czau, az do teraz.
We always ask: Have you been to Londod?
Zawsze pytamy: Czy byłes(as) w Londynie? (w ogóle, do tej pory, kiedykolwiek?)
A reminder, we ask: Were you in London last week? - because it has a specific time span.
Przypomnienie, pytamy: Czy byłeś w Londynie w ubiegłym tygodniu? - ponieważ ma konretny przedział czasu.
The further we go the more easy it will get.
Im dalej pójdziemy, tym bardziej łatwe to się stanie.
to have / had / had
'To have' means to possess something, to be an owner of something, but the word have also serves as part of Present Perfect.
To have (mieć) oznacza posiadać coś, bycie właścicielem czegoś, ale słowo have także służy jako część czasu teraźniejszego dokonanego (jest czasownikiem posiłkowym).
The matter is a bit more complicated with this word. To have describes a large span of life, perhaps even the whole life,
Sprawa jest trochę bardziej skomplikowana z tym słowem. To have opisuje duże przedziały czasu, może nawet całe życie,
and it concerns important life matters like having a partner, spouse, children, education, abilities, skills, talents etc.
i dotyczy ważnych życiowych spraw, jak posiadanie partnera, małżonka(ki), dzieci, edukacji, możliwości, umiejętności, talentów, itd.
or abstract matters, ideas - which we cannot touch physically, such as time, love, heart (unless you are a surgeon)
albo abstrakcyjnych spraw, idei, których nie możemy dotknąć, takich jak czas, miłość, serce (chyba, że jesteś chirurgiem)
If we want to ask if somebody has something on them or around them, we ask: Have you got .....?
Jeżeli chcemy zapytać, czy ktoś cos ma przy sobie, albo w pobliżu, to spytamy: Czy masz ....? Masz...?
So we would ask: Do you have children? and rather never Have you got children?
A więc zapytalibyśmy: (Czy) masz dzieci? (w ogóle) i raczej nigdy Czy masz dzieci ( w sensie teraz)
unless we are in a situation that we need to collect children from school or anywhere else
chyba, że jesteśmy w sytuacji, że potrzebujemy zabrać dzieci ze szkoły , albo skądkolwiek indziej,
and the spouse asks on the phone if we collected them,
i współmałżonek pyta przez telefon czy zabraliśmy je,
but then we would say: Have you got the children? - because we have a specific children in mind, not some random kids.
ale wtedy zapytalibyśmy: Czy masz (te konkretne, nasze) dzieci? - ponieważ mamy specyficzne dzieci na myśli, a nie jakieś przypadkowe dzieciaki.
However it would be more appropriate - Are children with you? (verb to be in use)
Jednakże, byłoby bardziej właściwe - (Czy) dzieci są z tobą? (czasownik być w użyciu)
Do you have a job? - is more appropriate than: Have you got a job?
Masz pracę? (tak ogólnie) - jest bardziej właściwe niż Masz pracę? (w tym momencie lub obecnym przedziale czasu)
- unless somebody is a job hunter, and he just could catch something.
- chyba, że ktoś jest łowczym roboty (poluje na zlecenia) i on właśnie mógł złapać coś.
It is more corect to ask: Have you got a pen? then Do you have a pen?
Jest bardziej prawidłowe zapytać: Czy masz długopis? (teraz, przy sobie), niż: Czy masz długopis ( tak w ogóle, w swoim życiu).
I hope you have grasped the difference.
Mam nadzieje, że złapałeś(aś)(iście) tę różnicę.
Well, that is not the end of the story with to have.
Cóż, to jest nie koniec historii (opowiastki) z 'mieć'.
It also means to 'eat a meal'.
To również oznacza zjeść jakiś posiłek.
What did you have for breakfast? but rather not: What did you eat for breakfast?
Co miałes (jadłeś) na śniadanie? ale raczej nie: Co jadłeś (konsumowałes) na śniadanie?
Eat is general, have is specific as it goes to food.
Jeść jest ogólne, jeść (miec) jest konkretne jeśli chodzi o jedzenie.
What do you have for lunch?
Co masz (jesz) na obiad / drugie śniadanie? (dzisiaj konkretnie).
What have you got for lunch?
Co (tam) masz na obiad / drugie śniadanie? (zaglądając koledze do talerza, albo opakowania z fast fooda).
What do you eat for lunch?
Co (zazwyczaj) jadasz na obiad / drugie śniadanie?
There is one more use of to have, which is 'to have to'.
Jest jeszcze jedno więcej uzycie to have, czyli 'musieć'.
I have to go. You have to eat. He has to come. She has to leave. It has to be. We have to get there. They have to see it.
Muszę iść. Musisz jeść. On musi przyjśc. Ona musi wyjść (opuścić, odejść, zwolnić się). (To) Musi być. Musimy się tam dostać. Muszą to zobaczyć.
As you can see, have is very useful and common word, and it is crucial to understand its nuances.
Jak widzisz, have jest bardzo użytecznym i powszechnym słowem i jest (nieznędnie) wazne zrozumiec jego niuanse.
TO HAVE - Present Simple
I have - Do I have? - I do not have (I don’t have)
You have - Do you have? - You do not have (You don’t have)
He has - Does he have? - He does not have (He doesn’t have)
She has - Does she have? - She does not have (She doesn’t have)
It has - Does it have? - It does not have (It doesn’t have)
We have - Do we have? - We do not have (We don’t have)
They have - Do they have? - They do not have (They don’t have)
TO HAVE - Past Simple
I had - Did I have? - I did not have (I didn’t have)
I have - Do I have? - I do not have (I don’t have)
You have - Do you have? - You do not have (You don’t have)
He has - Does he have? - He does not have (He doesn’t have)
She has - Does she have? - She does not have (She doesn’t have)
It has - Does it have? - It does not have (It doesn’t have)
We have - Do we have? - We do not have (We don’t have)
They have - Do they have? - They do not have (They don’t have)
TO HAVE - Past Simple
I had - Did I have? - I did not have (I didn’t have)
You had - Did you have? - You did not have (You didn’t have)
He had - Did he have? - He did not have (He didn’t have)
She had - Did she have? - She did not have (She didn’t have)
It had - Did it have? - It did not have (It didn’t have)
We had - Did we have? - We did not have (We didn’t have)
They had - Did they have? - They did not have (They didn’t have)
TO HAVE - Future Simple
I will have (I’ll have) - Will I have? - I will not have (I won’t have)
He had - Did he have? - He did not have (He didn’t have)
She had - Did she have? - She did not have (She didn’t have)
It had - Did it have? - It did not have (It didn’t have)
We had - Did we have? - We did not have (We didn’t have)
They had - Did they have? - They did not have (They didn’t have)
TO HAVE - Future Simple
I will have (I’ll have) - Will I have? - I will not have (I won’t have)
You will have (You’ll have) - Will you have? - You will not have (You won’t have)
He will have (He’ll have) - Will he have? - He will not have (He won’t have)
She will have (She’ll have) - Will she have? - She will not have (She won’t have)
It will have (It’ll have) - Will it have? - It will not have (It won’t have)
We will have (We’ll have) - Will we have? - We will not have (We won’t have)
They will have (They’ll have) - Will they have? - They will not have (They won’t have)
It is a time to introduce the Continues: Present, Past and Future.
Jest (nadszedł) czas aby przedstawić czsy ciągłe: teraźniejszy, przeszły i przyszły.
It is the most easy, practical and elegant to use if you want to speak English quick and efficiently.
To jeden z najbardziej łatwych, praktycznych i eleganckich do użycia jeśli chcesz mówić po angielsku szybko i sprawnie.
Apart from to be, and few others, majority of verbs can be used in this Continous format. It's easy, its fast, its simple - to master.
Oprócz to be i kilku innych, większość czasowników może być użyta w tym ciągłym formacie. Jest łatwy, jest szybki, jest prosty - do opanowania.
Simply exchange a verb with ending -ing, and you have a full conversation about present, past or future events.
Po prostu wymień jakikolwiek czasownik z końcówka -ing i masz pełna konwersację o tym co teraz, o przeszłości albo przyszłości.
TO HAVE - Present Continuous
I am having (I'm having) - Am I having? - I am not having (I'm not having)
You are having (You're having) - Are you having? - You are not having (You're aren’t having)
He is having (He's having) - Is he having? - He is not having (He's isn’t having)
She is having (She's having) - Is she having? - She is not having (She isn’t having)
It is having (It's having) - Is it having? - It is not having (It isn’t having)
We are having (We’re having) - Are we having? - We are not having (We aren’t having)
They are having (They're having) - Are they having? - They are not having (They aren’t having)
It is having (It's having) - Is it having? - It is not having (It isn’t having)
We are having (We’re having) - Are we having? - We are not having (We aren’t having)
They are having (They're having) - Are they having? - They are not having (They aren’t having)
TO HAVE - Past Continuous
I was having - Was I having? - I was not having (I wasn’t getting)
You were having - Were you having? - You were not having (You weren’t having)
He was having - Was he having? - He was not having (He wasn’t having)
She was having - Was she having? - She was not having (She wasn’t having)
It was having - Was it having? - It was not having (It wasn’t having)
We were having - Were we having? - We were not having (We weren’t having)
They were having - Were they having? - They were not having (They weren’t having)
TO HAVE - Future Continuous
I will be having (I'll be having) - Will I be having? - I will not be having (I won’t be having)
He was having - Was he having? - He was not having (He wasn’t having)
She was having - Was she having? - She was not having (She wasn’t having)
It was having - Was it having? - It was not having (It wasn’t having)
We were having - Were we having? - We were not having (We weren’t having)
They were having - Were they having? - They were not having (They weren’t having)
TO HAVE - Future Continuous
I will be having (I'll be having) - Will I be having? - I will not be having (I won’t be having)
You will be having (You'll be having) - Will you be having? - You will not be having (You won’t be having)
He will be having (He'll be having) - Will he be having? - He will not be having (He won’t be having)
She will be having (She'll be having) - Will she be having? - She will not be having (She won’t be having)
She will be having (She'll be having) - Will she be having? - She will not be having (She won’t be having)
It will be having (It'll be having) - Will it be having? - It will not be having (It won’t be having)
We will be having (We'll be having) - Will we be having? - We will not be having (We won't be having)
They will be having (They'll be having) - Will they be having? - They will not be having (They won’t be having)
They will be having (They'll be having) - Will they be having? - They will not be having (They won’t be having)
If you want to bother with Present Perfect - you may ;)
Jeśli chcesz się starać z czasem teraźniejszym dokonanym - możesz (proszę bardzo)
TO HAVE - Present Perfect
I have had (I've had) - Have I had? - I have not had (I haven't had)
You have had (You've had) - Have you had? - You have not had (You haven't had)
He has had (He's had) - Has he had? - He has not had (He hasn't had)
She has had (She's had) - Has she had? - She has not had (She hasn't had)
She has had (She's had) - Has she had? - She has not had (She hasn't had)
It has had (It's had) - Has it had? - It has not had (It hasn't had)
We have had (We've had) - Have we had? - We have not had (We haven't had)
They have had (They've had) - Have they had? - They have not had (They haven't had)
to get / got / got
Now, we are getting somewhere.
Teraz gdzieś dochodzimy (w końcu) (coś rozumiemy, coś dostajemy, coś łapiemy, coś zyskujemy)
To get is the most useful word in English. It can replace so many others that you don't need even bother with them - if you want to speak not to falter.
To get jest najbardziej użytecznym słowem w angielskim. Może zastąpić tak wiele innych, że nie będziesz musiał(a)(eli) nawet siłować się (męczyć, starać, martwić) z nimi - jeśli chcesz mówić a nie dukać (zacinać się).
This word will give you such a confidence that you will be amazed.
To słowo da ci taką pewność, że będziesz zdumiony(a)(eni)
This one word is a substitute for such variety of words as: to arrive, to go, to come, to give, to receive, to bring, to take, to reach, to understand, to have, to obtain, to buy, to start, to finish, to catch, to become, to make, to achieve, and many more.
To jedno słowo jest zastępstwem dla takiej różnorodności słów jak: przyjechać, iść, przyjść, dać, otrzymać, przynieść, wziąć, sięgać, zrozumieć, mieć/jeść, zyskać, kupować, zaczynać, kończyć, łapać, stawać się, czynić, zdobywać i wiele więcej.
Mastering it - is essential for your fluent speech.
Opanowanie go jest zasadnicze dla twojej płynnej wymowy.
I get - Do I get? - I do not get (I don’t get)
You get - Do you get? - You do get (You don’t get)
He gets - Does he get? - He does not get (He doesn’t get)
She gets - Does she get? - She does not get (She doesn’t get)
It gets - Does it get? - It does not get (It doesn’t get)
We get - Do we get? - We do not get (We don’t get)
They get - Do they get? - They do not get (They don’t get)
TO GET - Past Simple
I got - Did I get? - I did not get (I didn’t get)
You got - Did you get? - You did not get (You didn’t get)
He got - Did he get? - He did not get (He didn’t get)
She got - Did she get? - She did not get (She didn’t get)
It got - Did it get? - It did not get (It didn’t get)
We got - Did we get? - We did not get (We didn’t get)
They got - Did they get? - They did not get (They didn’t get)
TO GET - Future Simple
I will get (I’ll get) - Will I get? - I will not get (I won’t get)
You will get (You’ll get) - Will you get? - You will not get (You won’t get)
He will get (He’ll get) - Will he get? - He will not get (He won’t get)
She will get (She’ll get) - Will she get? - She will not get (She won’t get)
It will get (It’ll get) - Will it get? - It will not get (It won’t get)
We will get (We’ll get) - Will we get? - We will not get (We won’t get)
They will get (They’ll get) - Will they get? - They will not get (They won’t get)
TO GET - Present Continuous
I am getting (I'm getting) - Am I getting? - I am not getting (I'm not getting)
You are getting (You're getting) - Are you getting? - You are not getting (You aren’t getting)
He is getting (He's getting) - Is he getting? - He is not getting (He isn’t getting)
She is getting (She's getting) - Is she getting? - She is not getting (She isn’t getting)
It is getting (It's getting) - Is it getting? - It is not getting (It isn’t getting)
We are getting (We’re getting) - Are we getting? - We are not getting (We aren’t getting)
They are getting (They're getting) - Are they getting? - They are not getting (They aren’t getting)
TO GET - Past Continuous
I was getting - Was I getting? - I was not getting (I wasn’t getting)
You were getting - Were you getting? - You were not getting (You weren’t getting)
He was getting - Was he getting? - He was not getting (He wasn’t getting)
She was getting - Was she getting? - She was not getting (She wasn’t getting)
It was getting - Was it getting? - It was not getting (It wasn’t getting)
We were getting - Were we getting? - We were not getting (We weren’t getting)
They were getting - Were they getting? - They were not getting (They weren’t getting)
TO GET - Future Continuous
I will be getting (I'll be getting) - Will I be getting? - I will not be getting (I won’t be getting)
You will be getting (You'll be getting) - Will you be getting? - You will not be getting (You won’t be getting)
He will be getting (He'll be getting) - Will he be getting? - He will not be getting (He won’t be getting)
She will be getting (She'll be getting) - Will she be getting? - She will not be getting (She won’t be getting)
It will be getting (It'll be getting) - Will it be getting? - It will not be getting (It won’t be getting)
We will be getting (We'll be getting) - Will we be getting? - We will not be getting (We won’t be getting)
They will be getting (They'll be getting) - Will they be getting? - They will not be getting (They won’t be getting)
TO GET - Present Perfect
I have got (I've got) - Have I got? - I have not got (I haven't got)
You have got (You've got) - Have you got? - You have not got (You haven't got)
He has got (He's got) - Has he got? - He has not got (He hasn't got)
She has got (She's got) - Has she got? - She has not got (She hasn't got)
It has got (It's got) - Has it got? - It has not got (It hasn't got)
We have got (We've got) - Have we got? - We have not got (We haven't got)
They have got (They've got) - Have they got? -They have not got (They haven't got)
This is the most important lesson of English you can get.
To jest najwazniejsza lekcja angielskiego jaka możesz dostać (przerobić, opanować, złapać, otrzymać itd).
If you are uncertain how to pronounce a word,
Jeśli jesteś niepewny(a) jak wymawiać (jakies) słowo,
find one of the online dictionaries, for example Diki
znajdź jeden z internetowych słowników, na przykłąd Diki
type in the word and click search.
wpisz (na klawiaturze) to słowo i kliknij szukaj.
There is a small speaker icon, next to the english word.
Jest mała ikona głośnika, obok angielskiego słowa.
You can click it several times, it will give you the Britsh or Amercian pronunciation.
Możesz kliknąć to kilka razy, to da ci brytyjską lub amerykańską wymowę.