
Showing posts from November, 2020

A Power-Engine of Self-Exploration- Impact Theory - You Tube Channel

Tom Bilyeu started his channel, Impact Theory , in 2018. His interviews have a good Sunday morning feeling and - he wears really cool Tshirts for each programme. They correspond with the guest main field of expertise and the topic of conversation. The host invites, what he calls, self-experimentals , people who are keen to ask questions about life, how to manage it, and what is more important, they find life-changing answers.  But who is Tom Bilyeu? A co-founder of Quest Nutrition , a startup company, now valued at over one billion dollars . He is a man on a mission, to promote a mission-based business , not only for a profit. Improving the world and people in it is a praiseworthy intent, indeed. His business, as well as personal interest, is to address 'the dual pandemics of physical and mental malnourishment'. The channel goes under the motivational category . The loose talk is set to inspire the audience, listening to successful entrepreneurs, leaders, scientists,...

Chorley, where did you lost the chimneys?

It is a misconception that small little towns, like Chorley, have nothing to offer for a tourist visit. There are treasures scattered around the country waiting to be discovered. We believe in it and we believed that  Chorley would reveal one for us as well.  Squeezed between M61 and M6, one of the little towns of the North-West , with populations of around 35,000, Chorley can be walked through the main street and its area pretty much in half an hour.  Up until the 1970s, the skyline here was dominated by many  factory chimneys,  now demolished.  There are some remnants of the industrial past but we could not spot a single one. It is a shame that towns like this lose their unique character.  Instead, we found some peculiar figures near Chorley bus station . They won't be here for long, as well, hopefully, in this case. Located on the edge of the  Lancashire Coalfield , Chorley had been immersed in coal mining for decades. There had been a nu...

What was Sir David Attenborough doing at Liverpool Waterfront?

An early November walk (just before the second lockdown, and with Liverpool in Tier 3) got us into the  Sailors Church , the iconic St Nick's as it is fondly named by the Liverpooldians. It is one of the oldest sites in the city, marking its seafaring history and heritage. We have taken a quick peek inside. The interior is solemn but modest, bearing in mind this is the main parish church of Liverpool. The coping is truly impressive and it looks like an upside-down boat. The church had served the sailors arriving and leaving the port, for decades, if not centuries. Maritime themes continue in the sideway vaults.  Going through the church's scenic garden, passing the Tower entrance to  Ma Boyle's  alehouse and eatery, now serving only takeaways, it was not hard to notice some serious construction work on  Water Street . The massive refurbishment of the historic India Buildings takes some time now, and certainly, it will look splendid in all its original glory. P...