European Super Football League into the bin!
What a heck of a mess it was! An idea that couldn't work. The response was immediate, widespread, fierce and unforgiving. European Super League - football games for the biggest and richest clubs in Europe supposed to be an elite league from where no one would be relegated or be promoted to... It would undermine the sense of the existence of national leagues such as a Premier League in England. Fifteen "founding clubs" signed to it. Their 'greedy owners' , to be exact. They had fallen under absolute criticism from every possible side: UEFA, FIFA, football pundits, players, coaches and managers, politicians, and in a superb outrage - the fans and supporters. 'The Super League would kill the spirit of football in which competition and the pursuit of sporting success are the absolute basis .' - we could hear from everywhere. Liverpool FC fan clubs announced the withdrawal of the support for the club. In front of the Anfield stadium , there were placar...