
Showing posts from September, 2022

Vagus Nerve Phenomena - How to Relax Your Mind through Your Body

Recently we have encountered several videos on You Tube regarding the mysterious Vagus Nerve . It appears to be a central 'channel' to our states of being we are in during the day. The knowledge people are sharing about it is quite revealing.  As we all deal with stress, and some have more of it in the work they do, it is quite vital to know how our body operates and influences the mind. To know how to - easily and in a controlled manner - switch between the fight/flight and rest/digest  responses can be very useful in many life situations.  Here are some of the most interesting you-tubers that talk about it: From YOGABODY: Lucas Rockwood is a yoga trainer and he shares some techniques from this ancient Hindu tradition.  More about the parasympathetic nervous system and interesting clues and activities for soothing your mind-body on Emma McAdam channel, Therapy in a Nutshell : Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes has her PhD in mental health counseling. Her video shows another am...

Queen is No More. Life in Service is Done

Most of us expected it, but on the other hand, most of us tried to postpone this thought to "later". The thought that a day will come when we will wake up in the world when the Queen is no more . And what then? * Elisabeth II was with us for the whole of our lives. She came from a different time and had met many of the world leaders many times. All changing like in a kaleidoscope - for her.   As there are many people in the world, everyone's had a different concept and perception about her role on the world stage . Certainly she was one of the most important, visible players.  Bearing this in mind, with respect of the sheer volume of time and her perseverance - it was a hugely emotive moment. Many of us will remember exactly the place, the time, and our circumstances when we found out about the Queen's officially passing away. (Thursday, 8th September, 2022) This is our internal snapshot of history. It puts us in the ' Zeitgeist ' - the spirit of our times. A...