Our Place in Space
Our Place in Space Quite remarkable 8.1 km scale model of the solar system animated Liverpool City Centre from 14 October to 6 November 2022. With distance comes perspective... It started from miniature of our Sun and Earth on Church Street, running down along it to the iconic waterfront, Albert Dock and then on a solitary path through the Trans Pennine Trail along the left north bank of the Rover Mersey. It ended with tiny Pluto at the Otterspool Promenade. A very intriguing walk. Quite peculiar indeed. Walking through the streets of Liverpool, first through a lot of dense crowd, similar to the solar system where the first planets a gather closer. Being able to not only imagine the the scales and distances, but to experience it physically was a incredible eye-opener for many. What a tiny-tiny cosmic seed the planet Earth we live on really is. Just figure this out - the scale on that journey was 591 million to 1! At this scale the Sun is 2.35 m in diameter, the Earth i...