Halloween or Samhain? 'Treat or Trick' in modern England
Samhain or Halloween ? - this is the question. For those of us more in tune with the history of Europe - be it simply intellectual or even spiritual - it is Samhain , a Celtic born name, but a practice and festive known throughout Europe for hundreds - if not thousands - of years. For those following the tradition of simply being in the Western society, and especially that of English-American culture - it is Halloween - a fun ride, with ghosts and the macabre. And it is mainly for the kids (and those adults who are able to acknowledge the inner child within ;) We love it. We have walked around the area of north Liverpool in October and have caught some of the front house displays. And some of them have been really impressive. Visitors are not very welcomed.... Unless proven otherwise. Sorry, We're out of treats... KEEP OUT!! Trick or Treat? stay in the camper van. Beware, Witch casting spells...Zombie Feast...Enter if you dare! Welcome to our home graveyar...