How to deal with online 'trolls'?
How to Deal with Online 'trolls'? (social media offence) Social media is where they grow and thrive. Funny as it is because you can hardly encounter them in real life... Not so much false courage . Who are 'trolls'? They are like bullies in real life but much more active and more miserable. Usually mentally estranged. Bored with their own petty existence , little cowards, living off of other people lives. Devouring energy, little scumbags, not even worth mentioning. They need social attention to justify their existence. Well, they may be simply 'bots', automatic responses to a particular topic. All the same. Miserable people behind. Want their miserable agenda promoted. What they only want is a little social attention to get you into a state of alienation. And how would you react? One of the greatest personalities in British television is afraid of them. Stephen Fry in the Graham Norton Show (24 Nov 2018) mentioned he is scared of 'trolls'. H...